Tuesday 5 May 2015

63 Entries This Year!

Yes, we have actually exceeded the total number of entries in 2013! The vast majority of the entries have been from adults and families. There is only one entry from a child. Business entries are also down to just four, and two of those - Becket House and Cavendish House - could equally well be regarded as charities. We've had eight entries from charities, but three of these are from the Macintyre Centre. I shall make some adjustments to the competition to reflect the scope of the entries, with more prizewinners in the Adults/Families Class, and fewer (obviously) for children, etc. I shall be chasing four of the five schools who have said they will be participating for their entry forms, this next week, and eventually the 29 entrants who have yet to decide upon a theme for their scarecrow. All in all, though, a fantastic result. 'Thank you' to everyone who has taken the trouble to put in an entry form.

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